
Born in the G.D.R. ..

I was born in a country, which does not exist anymore. The former socialist part of Germany – called the G.D.R. While this sounds dramatic for some people, it was at first an insignificant personal change only. How big of a change it was, I see only today. The world has truly changed. But not the fall of the socialist world was the big change. The pictures about  the fall of the Berlin wall stand for that artificially dramatized aspect. No, it is the raise of globalization, which started back then and shaped our world and my life. I left my home-land, lived in Chile and Australia. Then I returned for a while to the vibrant city of Berlin. Than lived for more than 4 years in Brazil. Now I am back in Chile again. The appearance betrays again since I can listen to my favorite German radio shows as podcasts, I read the “Spiegel” online and via skype I sit with my family at the birthday table.  Being away and at home at the same time is my state of living now. – I write these lines to remind myself how amazing it is.

Last Book: Der Stumme Tod

by Volker Kutscher

English title: Silent Death
Original title: Der Stumme Tod
Published: 2009

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