by Italo Calvino
Now I understand why it is a classic. When you read the synopsis it is rather a downer but I got sucked into this play of mirrors, confusion and surprises. Judge yourself: the book consists actually of ten book’s first chapters. Every time the reader, you, want to know how it will develop it just stops, mostly at a climax. The book starts a reader buying and reading a book named “Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht” (If on a winter’s night a traveler). It is a book about literature, about creating it and about consuming it, about what is the right way to read, what is the ideal reader, about sex, about crime, about multiple personalities, about two readers in their real lives and all the explanations and circumstances why the reader can not finish a single book.
English title: If on a winter’s night a traveler
Original title: Se una notte d’ inverno un viaggiatiore
Published: 1979