by Julian Barnes
This History of the World in 10½ Chapters (the original title) is actually a story collection, every story somehow connected to each other. Noah’s ark and the stowaway passenger on it appear in each story. Sometimes it is terribly funny and I had to laugh loudly. I like best the first and the last chapter. In the first chapter the stowaway passenger describes from his perpective what really happens on Noah’s ark. Noah is an alcoholic who started to extinct species. A phenomena we know well in our modern world. The last chapter deals about the eternal life. I guess I like because the conclusions there match perfectly with my convictions. To the cause of meaning Barnes says: To get evrything you want is after a while like to be denied anything you desire desperately.
English title: History of the World in 10½ Chapters
Original title: History of the World in 10½ Chapters
Published: 1989