by Carsten Peter Thiede
In reality I thought it was a novel when I bought it. It is not. It is the double biography of Jesus and Tiberius examining their lives with regard to common topics. E.g. that both liked to drink and eat well. Of course, not the most important topic but the most funny one. Tiberius has a bad reputation as Roman emperor. But if you look without bias you come to the conclusion that he governed very effectively. This was for me the more important side in this book, but I got some food to think about the real life of Jesus as well. Nevertheless, there are actually very few traces of his life in the work of true historians. In this book the author does examine if it could be true what the evangelists wrote. At least it is interesting to see how he approaches this dilemma.
English title: does not exist, Jesus and Tiberius – Two sons of God (but there are some books of him in English)
Original title: Jesus und Tiberius – Zwei Söhne Gottes
Published: 2004