by Marlen Haushofer
You won’t believe how exiting it is to read 300 pages about a woman who is all of a sudden separated from society by an invisible wall. She is stuck in the mountains and writes a diary about here life in an valley in the Alps with a cow, a dog and a cat. Beautiful simple sentences which go right to the very basic questions of life. I suppose that esoteric persons will be attracted by it as well but this book is so far from that kind of pseudo knowledge. She describes two years of life in the mountains and you would expect that it will become boring. In fact she does nothing spectacular but just adapting step by step to her new life by doing basic work to survive: planting, logging, harvesting. She forgets about the outside world because she is so busy with surviving. One interesting fact is that outside the wall every animal and human is dead and only the plants are growing, she can see this through the wall.
English title: The Wall
Original title: Die Wand
Published: 1963