by Mario Vargas Llosa
At least once a year I have to read a book in Spanish. This one was a good choice. By coincidence again about a dictatorship. Actually, when I read the synopsis, I was not impressed at all: the topic is an insignificant dictator in the Caribbean – Trujillo. But Vargas Llosa describes persons and how they act under total control, under total subordination. Even the high-profile ministers had to accept that the boss (Trujillo liked that the people call him like this: jefe) will sleep from time to time with their respective wives. Not only do they accept they offer them to get advantages or just to avoid to fall into disgrace. Do not be fooled, this is not a third-world-phenomena, it is in us. read to learn about to what extend you are ready to abandon the most “natural” human behaviour. Of course, most people would deny that they are capable of these acts. I would call it lack of imagination or not confronting these virtual circumstances to the very end.
English title: The feast of the goat
Original title: La Fiesta del Chivo
Published: 2000