by Juan Goytisolo
Disturbing! That is what it is. Or mysterious? It reminded me to Italo Calvinos “
Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht” where the book you read is the topic of the book itself. You never know who is who, what is reality, or written fiction within fiction. It is like a collage and the main character creates as well a collage of newspaper snippets. Besides that, he leans towards pedophile sex, he likes to denude himself in public, communicates with his wife via written notes across – she lives in her own flat across the floor. Moreover, he supports various revolutionary cells in todays Paris where people for all-over the world gather in the ugly but vivid suburbs.
I do not feel to be able to give a summary. Maybe it is a book about modern urban life and its many realizations in each person. If you like most of the books I gave five stars in this blog: read it! read it!
English title: Landscapes after the battle
Original title: Paisajes después de la batalla
Published: 1985