by Amélie Nothomb
This book book is written from the point of view of a two year old girl. Herself. Back in Japan where she grew up as daughter of Belgium diplomats. It starts so funny, she describes herself as a tube, which just digests. She does not move, she does not cry – she just digests. But not because she is small, no, she did it on “purpose”. Their parents call here “vegetable”. She claims tha God himself is a tube, too – with total hubris she feels like a divinity. One day some inexplicable chemical reaction take place in here brain, and all of a sudden she becomes aware of herself. The few month of a Japanese spring and summer are told. Here own life as divinity is connected to her beautiful environment. When autumn starts she wants to die like all the leaves. She tries to kill herself. In between the reader learns about the background of sometimes inexplicable Japanese behavior, about the ugliness of carps, and about the miraculous effect of Belgium chocolate.
A short book but as always funny and entertaining. And in between philosophy.
A short book but as always funny and entertaining. And in between philosophy.
English title: The Character of Rain
Original title: Métaphysique des tubes
Published: 2000