Software Development

From 1991 to 1997 I worked first as a research student and then as part of the research group “Geologische Komplexauswertung” under the direction of Prof. Menz at the Institute of Markscheidewesen (TU Bergakademie Freiberg). My job was programming, testing, and applying new geostatistical forecasting methods. The result of this work was the grille program collection. The presentation of this system is the main purpose of the web pages I link to below. At the time of completion of these pages (1996-1998), it was not yet possible to reference all related links. Such potential references are inactive and shown in green. In fact, they do not exist anymore since I had my first web server running on my research workstation (DECstation 210 with Ultrix, and later some Hewlett-Packard hardware with HP-UX). In the good old days, you could still do that. It was reachable at: . I had still illusions in the early days, about how the internet would bring only the good things to humankind. How naïve!
Back to the topic. Images had been deliberately avoided to save the interested reader the usual waiting times with the modems. However, frames are used and a Java and JavaScript-capable browser is required for a few pages. Wow! I already used JavaScript in those days.

Important notice: These pages are all in German. You will open a new tab.