Pure HTML with some JavaScript as it was usual in the early days, I used it to document the software I had written for the Freiberg research group.This is here is actully worse, but I really tried to give it a better look and make the navigation easier. It was mostly still the old content on my PhD thesis.
2006 – 2017
since 2017 (current)
With iWeb from Apple I had the chance to do something beautiful. I started to document the books I read in a blog for my collaegues at Modular Mining Systems. These were all static pages.Since iWeb was obsoleted by Apple I had to find another platform. I chose WordPress for its simplicity, plugnis and the available themes. I extended the ignite theme a little bit. But it is still mostly the same type of content as in the previous version. I am in the process to extend it with new things I am interested in.