Andree Röttig :: Projetcs
Most of my private software projects I do label as ARP projects. It is an acronym for Anderes Rot Project. The color scheme is black-red-white. The business logic is usually implemented in the  python language. Adobe Flex provides a nice way to implement cross-platform graphical user interfaces, it uses the Adobe Air runtime. I copied the basic idea from the artima blog by Bruce Eckel.

ARP XDXF 2 AppleDict - converts a dictionary in XDXF format into a Mac OS X Dictionary. This service is very well integrated into many Mac OS X applications - even many 3rd party applications use it. The ARPVokab JSON based web service will provide some data convertors into XDXF if you want to include your own lists into the Mac OS X dictionary service.  Download this: ARP_XDXF_2_AppleDict.dmg  Inside you will find a readme to proceed.
ARP Pcast - a podcast archiver, which downloads missing files and gets additional information off the web - it stores it locally to burn CDs and print content catalogues. I need to create an installer.

ARP Filme - movie organizer for my private collection based on IMdb it adds some information about the specific copy I own, e.g. audio, subtitles etc. I need to create an installer.

ARPVokab - for now a web application adapted for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch), which uses your own flashcard wordlists to learn new languages - a Google App Engine implementation is underway. For now I use a local web server.