Andree Röttig :: Projetcs
The friends, the theatre group and great cooking ...
It all started summer 2003. Eugen, a great friend of  mine, wished to have a somewhat different 50th birthday party. With enthusiasm I promised him to put a theatre play on stage.
My friends in Berlin got also exited and since then we have been meeting frequently in someone’s flat to talk about new plays, to rehearse and foremost all to cook for each other. Cooking is the glue to keep us together.
The photos above were taken during one of the last rehearsals before we fulfilled Eugen’s desire on  the 3rd of Sep 2004. I put some photos from this day in the gallery. 
About the play...
There are various adaptations of this Greek theme available, we considered Moliére and Kleist as well but  preferred finally  the most recent version  from the German Peter Hacks. In short: after weeks in the battle the war hero Amphitryon comes back home. Jupiter used his absence to let Merkur observe Alkeme, Ampitryon’s wife. You know why. The  night of Amphitryon’s arrival Jupiter seduces Alkmene in the body of Amphitryon. Merkur has to take on Sosias’ role to confuse exactly him as him. Poor Sosias. Sosias is the servant of Amphitryon and was sent to announce his master’s soon and triumphant arrival. The actual Amphitryon arrives later and is refused by Alkemene because he became again her husband who just want to tell her his war stories. We stopped the play there where Jupiter seduces Alkmene again. BTW: the fruit of these nights was the uber-hero Hercules.

photo album

Eugen’s 50th, Sep 2004

related links

  1. Peter Hacks (German)

  2. Amphitryon (wikipedia)



 Amphitryon: Andrea
    Alkmene: Petra
    Jupiter: Adrian      
     Merkur: Andree
     Sosias: Hartmut
  The Night: Heidi

      Sound: Eckardt 
      Light: Carsten
   Costumes: Rieke
   Prompter: Natascha


by Peter hacks