Andree Röttig Posts

I really enjoyed it

by Marguerite Yourcenar This novella is a dense play about love, rejection and despair. Actually it does not matter where and when it takes place. But it is put into…


I really enjoyed it

by Arthur Schnitzler This novella served as blue-print for the Kubrick movie “Eyes wide shut”. To my surprise some portions where pretty close to the novella. Reading it you do…


I enjoyed it

by Graham Greene I did not know that Greene wrote this novella just for the movie. He wanted to evoke the background of the real play so that everybody could…


I really enjoyed it

by Amélie Nothomb Amélie Nothomb is one of my favorite writers: young, with that unique laconic style to describe the most horrible things. She is Belgium who grew up in…


I enjoyed it

by Cees Nooteboom The Dutch Nooteboom is one of the few true Europeans, not only a citizen of an European country. I think with All Souls Day he wrote the…


I enjoyed it

by Joseph Conrad Actually I started to read it because I found Conrad’s biography interesting. Born in the Ukraine as Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski, he spent around 20 years…


I loved it

by João Ubaldo Ribeiro Do you want to understand Brazil? Read this book! Do you want to know why the north-east is so rich in culture? Do you want to…


I loved it


It was OK

by Paul Britton It is an auto-biography. He is the pioneer in using psychology in the forensic medicine in England. He, as many others, talks about the cases where his…


I really enjoyed it

by Michel Houellebecq It is a typical Houellebecq: he has no illusions about humans and their ability to love (or better inability). Two half brothers, Michel, the molecular biologist and…
