by Marguerite Yourcenar This novella is a dense play about love, rejection and despair. Actually it does not matter where and when it takes place. But it is put into…
Andree Röttig Posts
by Arthur Schnitzler This novella served as blue-print for the Kubrick movie “Eyes wide shut”. To my surprise some portions where pretty close to the novella. Reading it you do…
by Graham Greene I did not know that Greene wrote this novella just for the movie. He wanted to evoke the background of the real play so that everybody could…
by Amélie Nothomb Amélie Nothomb is one of my favorite writers: young, with that unique laconic style to describe the most horrible things. She is Belgium who grew up in…
by Cees Nooteboom The Dutch Nooteboom is one of the few true Europeans, not only a citizen of an European country. I think with All Souls Day he wrote the…
by Joseph Conrad Actually I started to read it because I found Conrad’s biography interesting. Born in the Ukraine as Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski, he spent around 20 years…
by João Ubaldo Ribeiro Do you want to understand Brazil? Read this book! Do you want to know why the north-east is so rich in culture? Do you want to…
by Italo Calvino Now I understand why it is a classic. When you read the synopsis it is rather a downer but I got sucked into this play of mirrors,…
by Paul Britton It is an auto-biography. He is the pioneer in using psychology in the forensic medicine in England. He, as many others, talks about the cases where his…
by Michel Houellebecq It is a typical Houellebecq: he has no illusions about humans and their ability to love (or better inability). Two half brothers, Michel, the molecular biologist and…